In the life of an artist.......
The artist creates
through the passage of time,
sweet images cast,
on fate's sullen mind.
B. Kenney
Coming Events
Coming Events
Three of Brenda's original paintings and a selection of archival reproductions are currently on display at
Fiddleheads, 110 Main Str., Colebrook, NH
Awards Received
Paintings that have received awards at these selected art competitions.

"Remembered Past"
Oil on Canvas
Third Annual People's Choice Art Show
Pittsburg NH, 2009
Best in Show People's Choice Award
First Place Judges Award in Oil
First Place People's Choice Award in Oil
"Blooming Tall"
Third Annual People's Choice Art Show, Pittsburg, NH, 2009
First Place Judges Award in Watercolor
Oil on Canvas
First Annual People's Choice Art Show, Pittsburg, NH, 2007
First Place in Oil Painting Division
38th Annual Littleton Chamber of Commerce Art Exhibition, 2007
Honorable Mention
7th Annual Fall Festival of the Arts People's Choice Show,
Lisbon, NH, 2007
Second Place in Oil Painting Division
"Mommy's Helpers"
Oil on Canvas
Annual Cultural Arts Exhibition,
sponsored by NH State Chapter of American Mothers, Inc.,
Bedford, NH, 2006
Third Place in State of NH
"A Place To Rest"
Oil on Canvas
Second Annual People's Choice Art Show, Pittsburg, NH, 2008
Second Place in Oil Painting Division
Fall Festival of the Arts People's Choice Show, Lisbon, NH 2008
Third Place in Oil Painting Division
"Spring Hearth"
Oil on Canvas
6th Annual Fall Festival of the Arts People's Choice Art Show.
Lisbon, NH, 2006
Honorable Mention in the Painting Division
"Red Zinnia"
Oil on Canvas
Ammonoosuc Region Art Council's Annual People's Choice Art Show, 2006
First Place in Painting Division
"Hard Day"
Oil on Canvas
Second Annual People's Choice Art Show, Pittsburg, NH, 2008
Best of Show Award
First Place in Oil Painting Division
Ammonoosuc Region Art Council's Annual People's Choice Art Show, 2006
Third Place in Painting Division

Galleries & Exhibitions
Gallery Exhibits:
Fiddleheads, A Fine Artisan Shop, Colebrook, NH (current)
Southern NH University, Pantano Gallery, "Suspended in Time", sponsored by NHPleinAir Artists, Manchester, NH, (Mar 1 thru April 30, 2008)
The Ammonoosuc Artists Gallery, 111 Saranac Str., Littleton, NH (2005 - 2007)
Great Northwoods Gallery, two person show, West Stewartstown, NH, August 2004
Hopkins Center, Group Exhibition, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 1981
Exhibitions and Shows
October 2013:
"Artisan Spotlight", Exhibit at Fiddleheads, Littleton, NH
June & July 2013:
Solo exhibit at Indian Stream Health Clinic, Colebrook, NH
April & May, 2013:
"Artist of the month", Solo exhibit at UCVH, Colebrook, NH
February, 2010:
"Artist of the month", Solo exhibit at UCVH, Colebrook, NH
December 2009:
Brenda directed the Pittsburg Players in "Singing in the Rain", Bremer Pond Auditorium, Pittsburg, NH
October 9 - 11, 2009:
"Harvest of the Arts", Mount Washington Valley Arts Association 2009 Fall Art Exhibition, Members juried exhibit.
Salyards Center for the Arts, Conway, NH.
September, 2009:
"The Park Theatre 5th Mountain Mural Project", panel #115, fund raising restoration project with
permanent installation of mosaic mural panels, in Jaffrey, NH.
August 2009:
"Kaleidoscope of the Arts", Mount Washington Valley Arts Assoc. Members juried exhibit.
Salyards Center for the Arts, Conway, NH.
August 15, 2009:
3rd Annual Pittsburg Old Home Day People's Choice Art Show, Pittsburg, NH.
August 2 to August 9, 2009:
"Visions of Heaven", NHPleinAir Artists' Paint Out & Sale at Canterbury Shaker Village, in Canterbury, NH.
July 11, 2009 to August 23, 2009
"Visions of the Rockpile Exhibition", at the Mount Washington Conservatory, in North Conway, NH.
Sponsored by the Mount Washington Valley Arts Association. Juried.
July 11, 2009
Squam Lake Fine Art Festival, in Ashland, NH. Juried.
June 6, 2009
Lupine Festival Art Show, Sugar Hill, NH.
December, 2008 and January, 2009
Solo exhibit at the Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital, in Colebrook, NH.
December 4th, and 5th, 2008
Brenda directed the Pittsburg Players in their production of "Little Women". Bremer Pond Auditorium, Pittsburg, NH.
October, 2008
Two person exhibit, "Changing Seasons", Hans Klunder and Brenda L.B. Kenney, Interpretive Center,
Colebrook, NH
October 4, 2008:
NHPleinAir artists paint-out and sale at the Remick Museum, in Tamworth, NH.
September 27, 2008:
Lisbon Fall Festival of the Arts People's Choice Art Show, Lisbon, NH.
September 20, 2008:
39th Annual Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce Art Exhibition, Littleton, NH.
August 22, 2008:
Moose Festival Art Exhibit, Colebrook, NH
March 1 - April 30, 2008:
"Suspended In Time", NHPleinAir members exhibit, at the Pantano Gallery,
Southern NH University, 2500 N. River Rd., Manchester, NH
December 1st, 2007 through Jan. 31, 2008:
Artist of the Month, at UCVH in Colebrook, NH
October 6, 2007:
Ammonoosuc Region Arts Council 7th Annual Fall Festival of the Arts, Lisbon, NH.
October 1, 2007 through Nov. 30th, 2007:
Connecticut River Artist Group Sponsored Art Exhibition, Interpretive Center, Colebrook, NH.
September 29, 2007:
23rd Annual Plymouth Fall Art Show, Plymouth, NH.
September 22, 2007:
38th Annual Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce Art Exhibition, Littleton, NH.
September 7th, 8th, & 9th, 2007:
International Plein Air Painters World-Wide Paint Out, in Concord, NH
August 24th, 2007:
Annual Moose Festival Art Show, Colebrook, NH
August 18th, 2007:
First Annual "People's Choice" Art Show, Pittsburg, NH
July 30th through August 22nd, 2007:
Two Person Show, Hans Klunder and Brenda Kenney, Interpretive Center, Colebrook, NH
July 26th through July 29th, 2007:
Summer Pleinair Paintout and Art in the Park Exhibition, sponsored by CRAG, Canaan, NH
July 7th, 2007:
Bethel Chamber of Commerce Annual Art Show, Bethel ME
January Through May, 2007: "Visual Impressions"
Group Exhibit at the Interpretive Center, sponsored by CRAG, Colebrook NH
November 2006:
Annual Cultural Arts Exhibition and Competition, sponsered by the NH State Chapter of American Mothers, Inc. , Bedford, NH
November 17 to December 16, 2006:
"My Favorite Things" Exhibition and sale, New London Inn, New London, NH. Sponsered by the Artisan's Workshop, 195 Main Str., New London.
November 2006:
Brenda's painting "Anticipating Grandma's Pie" featured art work of the month, printed on postcards distributed by Prudential Verani Realty, in Londonderry, NH. Please visit to view the work of several other featured NH artists.
September 30, 2006:
Ammonoosuc Region Fall Festival of the Arts "People's Choice" Art Show, Lisbon, NH
September 23, 2006:
37th Annual Littleton Chamber of Commerce Art Show, in Littleton, NH.
August 25, 2006:
Annual Moose Festival Art Exhibit, Colebrook, NH.
August 19, 2006:
Old Home Day celebration, Pittsburg, NH.
June 21st Through July 24th 2006:
Solo Exhibition at the Interpretive Center, Colebrook, NH.
July 4, 2006:
Pittsburg, NH, Fourth of July celebration.
May 27, 2006:
The Ammonoosuc Region Arts Council's Annual “People's Art Show”, Lisbon, NH.
September 24, 2005:
Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce 36th Annual Littleton Art Show, in Littleton, NH.
August 26, 2005:
Annual Moose Festival Art Exhibit, in Colebrook, NH.
Public Collections & Permanently Exhibited Work
Pittsburg Fire Station, Pittsburg, NH : Memorial portrait of Leslie Lord, commissioned by the Pittsburg Fire Department.
Boscawen NH Historical Society : Portrait of Robert and Virginia Colby, commissioned by H & H Kenney
Philbrick-Clement, American Legion Post 65, Weare, NH: Painting of the post building on a moose antler.
Commissioned by James Triantafillou.
Selected Private Collections
M. Marchand, 20 x 16 Oil Painting, Landscape, Beecher Falls, VT 2013
John and Cindy Lou Amey, 9 x 12 Oil Painting, Landscape, Pittsburg, NH 2012
Ann Marie Marquis, (2) 9 x 12 Oil Paintings, Landscapes, Hampden, ME 2012
Steve and Colleen Clogston, 11 x 14 Oil Painting, Landscape, Pittsburg, NH 2009
John & Cindy Lou Amey, 11 x 14 Oil Painting, Landscape, Pittsburg, NH 2009
Julie Alig Scala & Dante Scala, 9 x 12 Oil Painting, Landscape, Manchester, NH 2008
John & Cindy Lou Amey, 11 x 14 Oil Painting, Still-life, Pittsburg, NH 2008
Robin & David Hawes, 9 x 12 Oil Painting, Landscape, Colebrook, NH 2008
Terry Poiroux, 9 x 12 Oil Painting, Floral, St. Elmo, AL, 2007
Linda York, 9 x 12 Oil Painting, Landscape, Colebrook, NH 2007
Robin & David Hawes, 14 x 18 Oil Painting, Landscape/Wildlife, Colebrook, NH 2007
Linda Tillotson, 16 X 20 Acrylic Painting, Landscape, Colebrook, NH 2007
Alan H. Davis, Sr., and Susan K. Swope, 20 X 24 Oil Painting, Landscape, Plymouth, NH 2006
Paul & Sarah Moyher, 16 x 20 Oil Painting, Still-life, Pittsburg, NH 2006
Christopher & Rebecca Bean, 11 X 14 Oil Painting, Landscape, Errol, NH 2006
Harold & Lynn Lassonde, 18 X 24 Oil Painting, Landscape/Wildlife, Pittsburg, NH 2005
Ted Corde, 11 X 14 Oil Painting, Landscape/Wildlife, Lyman, NH 2005
Donald and Annette Burgess, 16 X 20 Oil Painting, Landscape, Canterbury, NH 2005
John & Cindy Lou Amey, 8 X 10 Oil Painting, Landscape/Wildlife, Pittsburg, NH 2005
Samantha Kenney, 16 X 20 Oil Portrait, Pittsburg, NH 2004
Wanda Merrill, 8 X 10, Colored Pencil Portrait, Pittsburg, NH 2000
Fred & Gail Egounis, 16 X 20 Acrylic on Water Color Paper, Landscape/Wildlife, Boscawen, NH 1991
Harold & Henrietta Kenney, 18 X 24 Graphite Pencil Portrait, Boscawen, NH 1989
Barbara Forward, 18 X 24 Graphite Pencil Portrait, Lyme, NH 1989
David & Kim Gilmore, 16 X 20 Acrylic on Water Color Paper, Landscape, Milton, NH 1987
Donald Burgess, 14 X 18 Oil Painting, Landscape, Canterbury, NH 1985
Geraldine Burgess, 16 X 20 Oil Painting, Still-life, Lyme, NH 1982
Selected Commissions
Colleen Clogston, 11 x 14 Oil Painting, (Anniversary Gift), Pittsburg, NH 2009
Rebekha Sylvestre, 11 x 14 Oil Portrait, (Christmas Gift), Clarkesville, NH 2007
Angele L. Smith, 14 X 18 Oil Portrait, (Christmas Gift), Colebrook, NH 2006
Kendall Wheeler, 11 X 14 Oil Painting (Anniversary Gift), Landscape, Clarkesville, NH 2006
Paul Wright, Three Slates w/Pet Portraits (Christmas Gifts), Pittsburg, NH 2005
First Colebrook Bank, 11 X 14 Six Subject Pencil Portrait (Retirement Gift), Colebrook, NH 2005
Melinda Bachand, 14 X 18 House Portrait, Fort Worth, TX 2005
David & Rachel McClane, 4 X 6 Exterior Sign, Pittsburg, NH 2005
Jean McLaughlin, 8 X 10 Pencil Portrait, Raymond, NH 2004
Natalie Martin, 14 X 18 Oil Painting, Landscape/House, Dallas, TX 2004
James T. Triantafillou, Acrylic Portrait on Moose Antler, donated to American Legion, Weare, NH 2004
Carol Michaud, 8 X 10 Graphite Pencil Portrait, Whitman, MA 2004
Warren Chase, Logo Design, Pittsburg, NH 2003
Christina Lombardo, 14 X 18 Oil Painting, Landscape/House, Royal Oak, MI 2003
Harold & Lynn Lassonde, Two exterior signs, Pittsburg, NH 2003
Jennifer Kaiser, 14 X 18 Oil Painting, Landscape/House, Royal Oak, MI 2002
Beverly Dorman, 14 X 18 Oil Painting, Landscape/Church, Pittsburg, NH (sent to Alaska) 2002
Harold & Lynn Lassonde, Lettering & Landscape painting on box truck, Pittsburg, NH, 2002
Harold & Henrietta Kenney, 16 X 20 Oil Portrait, donated to BHS, Boscawen, NH 2002
Tanya Paquette, 14 X 18 Oil Pet Portrait, Pittsburg, NH 2002
Catherine Hynes, Miniature Reproduction of Orwell School in Nova Scotia, Los Altos, CA 2001
John H. Amey, 2' X 3' Exterior Sign, Landscape/Farm, Pittsburg, NH 2001
Seth M. Anderson, 16 X 20 Oil Painting, Landscape/Church, Hurst, TX 2001
Kristin L. O'Hara, 11 X 14 Oil Painting, Landscape/Boat, Des Plaines, IL 2000
Tanya Paquette, 16 X 20 Oil Portrait, Pittsburg, NH 1999
Jay Smith, 24 X 30 Oil Portrait, Prospect, KY 1999
Diana Rancourt, 16 X 20 Oil Portrait, Canaan, VT 1999
Pittsburg Fire Dept., 16 X 20 Oil Portrait of Leslie Lord, Pittsburg, NH 1999
Town of Boscawen, NH, Pen & Ink Portrait of Carey's Market, for the Carey Family, Boscawen, NH 1995
Boscawen Fire Dept., 16 X 20 Oil Portrait of retired chief, Joe Bartlett, Boscawen, NH 1994
Fred & Gail Egounis, Pen & Ink House Portrait, Boscawen, NH 1992
Pam Davis, 18 X 24, Graphite Pencil Portrait, Boscawen, NH 1990
Sue Pillsbury, 18 X 24, Graphite Pencil Portrait, Boscawen, NH 1989
Patty Bailey, 18 X 24, Graphite Pencil Portrait, Boscawen, NH 1989
Boscawen Historical Society, via H&H Kenney, Three Pen & Ink Drawings of the Church, Library, and
the Academy, since used for notecards, t-shirts, etc., Boscawen, NH 1982 (signed Burgess)
Numerous slates, commissioned w/ family pets, motorcycles, cars, lighthouses, flowers, etc. 1982-2003
All Rights Reserved: Brenda L.B. Kenney © 2012